HAA by Thrax Audio – Resolute Headphone Power Amplifier (110 & 220 volt)


Resolute is a compact Power Headphone Amplifier designed to drive the most demanding Headphones effortless.

Resolute is on demo and in Stockin the Shop.

Price outside the EU is USD 2.999 incl free worldwide shipping.
Contact me for shipments outside the EU via stefan@headphoneauditions.nl

19 in stock


RESOLUTE Reaction at CanJam Singapore

The official motto of Amsterdam is Heldhaftig (Heroic), Vastberaden (Resolute), Barmhartig (Merciful).

Resolute is also the best term to describe this Amplifier (although it also sounds pretty Heroic … but not at all Merciful…)

Like all great things, the Resolute was born out of a problem:

“Stefan, I now have a fantastic DAP and the best IEM in the world, but how do I get to an Abyss AB1266 or Susvara

a) without breaking the bank

b) without creating redundancies

c) without losing a lot of desktop real estate

d) most importantly: without losing any of the potential of my high-end headphones”

Resolute is a Power Headphone Amplifier. Just like a Power Speaker Amplifier it needs a Pre-Amplifier for volume control.

Resolute will most typically sit in between your DAP and your Headphone. But any Pre-Amplifier will work; just like any audio source with a built-in volume control.

Resolute will simply amplify the incoming signal and it will do that with a resoluteness and effortlessness that is quite surprising, with complete and total control throughout the entire range of the Dynamic range.

Before Resolute was born, it took an Amplifier of the class of the famous XIAudio Formula S or ideally the magical Riviera AIC10 to drive an AB1266 or Susvara. With it’s 3k€/$ price-tag it is the best bang-for-buck solution since Helmut passed away and with him the beautiful Audiovalve RKV HAA.

Resolute is the brain child of engineering genius Rumen Artarski and his team at Sofia based THRAX Audio. Few people in the Audio Industry can create an entire Audio Chain in which every single item, from the Record Player and the DAC to Amplification and Speakers are among the very best in the world.

I shared the concept with Rumen, lend him an AB1266 for development and just like that Resolute was ready to go.

Resolute has no interface, no buttons, no batteries. It will switch on when the power cord and both the in and out are connected.

Resolute uses 4.4 connectors. I offer cables separately coming form RCA, 3XLR and 4.4 to 4.4 and Adapters from 4.4 to 4XLR. I also offer a 3 meter power cable to allow for more flexibility with the placement of the amplifier. These cables are made by another Genius from Sofia, Bulgaria: Nikolay Kozev from SIN Audio, the maker of the best power cables and distributors me and my customers have ever heard.

Technical Specifications:

This is what needs to said about Specs and Measurements in the words of Lieven from Headfonia in his High End Show Report 2023: “This transportable amp (no battery inside) drives both the Susvara as well as the Abyss headphones without any issue.”

Resolute‘s Dimensions are: HxWxD: 19,7 x 10 x 3,4 cm

Resolute has an internal switch for High and Low Gain. I will set that for you. High Gain drives Susvara & AB1266. Low Gain drives everything else.

Resolute will run on both 110V & 220V also set internally.

Resolute will be shipped with rubber feed and in a wooden box without any cables.

Resolute has it’s own cable line made by Nikolay Kozev from S.I.N. Audio: Sold separately.

Resolute‘s Reviews are here:



HAA Resolute by Thrax Review

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